Ron Lamberson
Praise for The Poachers of Immortality
The Kilimanjaro Club Adventure Series

The Last Intergalactic Punk Series
Book Club Adventures!
Ron loves connecting with readers, sharing insights, and celebrating the awesomeness of book clubs. As a special gift to book clubs everywhere, Ron will join your discussion in person (for Denver area groups) or via Zoom. Contact Ron at ron@ronlamberson.com to discuss availability and the cool genres your book club loves to explore.

Ron Lamberson is a novelist and freelance writer, having previously endured a Purgatory-like existence as an HR professional. Ron has published four novels, including, Heavy Metal Moon, A Grave Invitation, and The Poachers of Immortality. He has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Purdue University and an MBA from Indiana University. Ron is a passionate traveler, having visited over 25 countries on five continents.
He spends some of his free time struggling to learn guitar, attending concerts, and avoiding injury on the tennis court. He is an unabashed fan of the bands Nine Inch Nails and Toto — don’t judge. He is not a fan of the long-term effects of gravity on his body, most 70’s soft rock, or attempting to maintain his lawn. Ron is currently working on his next novel while living his dream life as a husband, father, and dog wrangler.